Course Assignments

All assignments are to be typed, and handed in on the due dates.
You will receive a final grade upon the completion of all the  assignments.

1.    Attendance and class participation:  25% of your grade.

2.    Synthesize  and Summarize arguments to support your position on the topic (50% of your grade)

3.    Research Paper 25% of your grade

Attendance and class participation:  25% of your grade

Students are expected to have studied the assigned reading selections for the week in advance of the class meeting.

·       Each student is expected to engage in class discussions, communicate ideas, to demonstrate course preparation.

·       brief overview of the major point(s) of the assigned reading;

·       a critique of the reading (i.e., what according to you should students take away from the reading); and/or

·       any points of contention with the reading.


  Class Project/Presentations
II.  Synthesize  and Summarize arguments to support your position on the 2 topics,
communicate ideas and make presentation (50% of your grade):

1.    “What is Globalization” – Drawing from the class discussions, and your readings from the text as well as outside sources that you think are relevant, develop a careful definition of the term “globalization”.  Then describe how you see it applying to cultural, economic, and or political processes in the world today. Argue and defend your position as  (i) Globalists, (ii) skeptics or (iii) transformationailsts.

2.      Locating your self in your own art practice do you think, that a global culture is in the making? If you are asserting that culture is becoming global, what specific ideas, beliefs, values and norms are becoming global/universal (following the argument of homogenization or more hybridization)? Is it producing convergence or divergence? Does it undermine the authority of dominant art practice? Is there loss of identity and loss of culture or even cultural  colonialization? Is Globality different from Modernity? .

III. Research Paper 25% of your grade

Research and make your arguments on a final paper on:

Is Globalization Civilizing or Distructive; Inclusive or Alienating; Uneven or Flat?

And Is the “global village” indeed open to all? Using the trope of “network society”

Relate your research to some aspect of cultural globalization; the anti-globalization movement; terrorism and globalization; global social movements; using examples from your own métier. Final papers are required to be 2000+ words and a  minimum of five scholarly sources are required, these may included journal articles, scholarly books, and government reports. Supplemental articles from the popular press are encouraged for anecdotes and case studies only. Please use the MLA Format when citing materials.