Chandra C. Khan


October 15th. 2019

As we have discussed earlier that Globalization entails contradictory processes of,  among others, homogenization/Americanization/Westernization and universalization on the one hand and localization and differentiation on the other. These contradictory processes of globalization have led to wide ranging changes in the processes of identity formation and also in struggles of identity involving various minority and marginalized groups. 

  Elira Bornmam, (2001a) ÒStruggles of identity in the age of globalizationÓ 

Please read Elira BornmamÕs article and,  come prepared to discuss the following questions.

1. What are the  various definitions of identity?  


2. Discuss the discourses of struggles of identity formation on five levels, namely the individual, subnational, national, supranational and global levels.



October 8th. 2019


 What is Globalization ?
Drawing from the class readings, discussions and other relevant suggested readings, develop a careful definition of the term Òglobalization,Ó arguing  and defend your position as a;
(i) Globalists,
(ii) skeptics
(iii) transformationailsts or
iv) None of the above.

Then describe how you see it applies to cultural, economic, political and communication processes in the world today especially in relation to your own art practice.


October 1st, 2019

1.   In PieterseÕs article on, ÒGlobalization and culture:Three paradigmsÓ  how does he address the notion of cultural difference?


2.   Do you think cultural differences are immutable and creating a, Òclash of civilizations" or is the growing global interconnectedness leading towards increasing cultural homogenization?


3.   Do you see globalization as a process of cultural mixing or hybridization across locations and identities, discuss this with reference to your own art practice.


September 25th, 2019

Reading Assignment II

1.   According to Held et al, how is the globalization debate conceptualized?

2.   What are the three schools of thought expounded by Held et al?

3.   Which school of thought do you think best represents the conditions of contemporary Globalization process and why?

4.   After all the readings so far how would you define globalization? Bring your own definition to discuss and defend in class.


Sept. 11th. 2019

Welcome to Globalization 2019
Since the "make America Great Again" rhetoric the word "Globalization" has become one of the most used /absued word again.
Please Read this and come to class to share your views on the topic of Globalization as you see it/understand it.
